The “Grand Mécénat Award” is presented to the company that makes the biggest contribution to the development of arts and culture. In 1995, TOA won this award for our efforts to raise awareness of sound culture. The Grand Mécénat Award was established in 1991 by the Association for Corporate Support of the Arts (Kigyo Mécénat Kyogikai “KMK”). Since 2004, the Japan Mécénat Awards have been presented annually to companies and corporate foundations that have contributed significantly to the promotion of arts and culture, to encourage and further develop corporate support for the arts.
○ Association for Corporate Support of the Arts website
“Multi-Faceted Activities Through Music to Educate Future Generations: TOA Meet! Music! Concept,” a mécénat activity to create opportunities for children to encounter music, won the “Award Granted by the Commissioner for Cultural Affairs.” Part of the Japan Mécénat Awards, the award recognizes corporate support for the arts that contributes significantly to the promotion of arts and culture, in relation to regional development and nurturing the next generation.
TOA was recognized for its multifaceted musical workshop programs catering to different stages in childhood development, and for its long-running unique collaborative programs with NPOs and local educational institutions.
○ TOA Meet! Music! Concept
Introduction page of the TOA website
At the 18th Corporate Philanthropy Awards held in 2020, “The Lookouts of KanKan Tower” (Kankan-to no mihari-ban), our very own puppet show based on the theme of sounds that warn us of danger, received the special “Disaster Prevention Lookout Award.” The award recognizes social contribution activities in which company resources are used in an organic and sustainable way to solve social issues.
TOA was commended for its unique ongoing efforts as a manufacturer specializing in sound, and for continually expanding its range activities in pursuit of growth.
○ TOA Disaster Prevention Theatre of Sound Puppet Show
Winning the 6th Partnership Award
社As society undergoes major change, businesses, NPOs, and other citizens’ groups must join forces to contribute to realizing a new kind of civil society and public sphere.
TOA is developing mécénat activities in partnership with the NPO Kids Meet Artists, which aims to promote the sound upbringing of children through the power of art and culture. In 2008, we received the 6th Partnership Award (hosted by the NPO Partnership Support Center) as an excellent example of collaboration.
The award was established in 2002 by the NPO Partnership Support Center to contribute to realizing a new kind of civil society and public sphere through the establishment and vitalization of corporate-NPO partnerships, at a time when society is undergoing major change.
TOA will continue to promote collaboration with Kids Meet Artists to foster better coexistence with society.
○ NPO Kids Meet Artists website
Winning the Award for Excellence at the 12th PR Award Grand Prix
In 2010, the TOA Music & Education Awareness Survey, which we conducted as part of our mécénat program, won the award for excellence in the Tools and Skills category at the 12th PR Award Grand Prix (hosted by the Public Relations Society of Japan).
The survey was realized through a collaboration with eight organizations, including NPOs, startup companies, and industry associations with specialized skills in the processes needed to conduct surveys. The collaboration mechanism itself was awarded the prize, as an outstanding “social tool” with a high level of versatility.
Award-winning activity: TOA Music & Education Awareness Survey
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Project title: Corporate and Social Contribution Activities and Public Relations “Systemization” Project:
Developing a Continuous and Highly Versatile Information Transmission System Through Collaboration Between For- and Non-Profit Organizations
○ Public Relations Society of Japan website